Wii Sports/KCL Attributes

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Collision flags in a KCL file controls how collision with a surface is handled. The collision flags are handled differently in the different game modes.


Flag Description
0x01 Start thing.
0x02 Base.
0x03 Sand ground.
0x04 Sand ground foul ball.
0x05 Audience platform wall.
0x06 Grass ground.
0x07 Grass ground foul ball.
0x08 Pole wall.
0x09 Audience.
0x0A Out of the park trigger.
0x0B Home run trigger.
0x0C Foul ball trigger.


Flag Description
0x00 Lane floor.
0x01 Lane gutter.
0x02 Unknown.
0x03 Unknown.
0x04 Unknown.
0x05 Unknown.
0x06 Unknown.
0x07 Unknown.
0x08 Unknown.


In golf the collision flags are not only used to calculate how far the ball goes, but also what clubs are allowed and more. The known flags are as following:

Flag Description
0x01 Fairway.
0x02 Rough.
0x03 Bunker.
0x04 Out of bounds.
0x05 Unknown.
0x06 Green.
0x07 Water hazard.
0x09 Edge of green.
0x0C Mountain wall.
0x0D Out of bounds air fall.