Super Mario Galaxy 2/KCL Attributes

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This is a page describing the KCL attributes for Super Mario Galaxy 2.


The collision attribute stored in each KCL file stores an index into a row in a BCSV file. This BCSV file is stored in the same directory and is named the same, with the extension being ".pa". This BCSV file stores five fields, which are described in the following headlines.

Each surface are not explicitly specified to be wall or ground, instead it is based on the angle relative to the gravity. This is because rotating parts which change between ground and wall, and therefore a surface cannot be constant. Each attribute can specify sound when interacting with the surface, as well as floor and wall interaction. There are also camera parameters for each attribute.

Camera ID

The field "camera_id" has an unknown meaning. It is mostly seen as 255, which presumably means no camera.

Sound Code

The field "Sound_code" specifies the sound effects of a surface.

ID Name Description
0x00 Null No sound.
0x01 Soil
0x02 Lawn
0x03 Stone
0x04 Marble
0x05 WoodThick
0x06 WoodThin
0x07 Metal
0x08 Snow
0x09 Ice
0x0A Shallow
0x0B Sand
0x0C Beach
0x0D Carpet
0x0E Mud
0x0F Honey
0x10 MetalHeavy
0x11 Marble_Snow
0x12 Marble_Soil
0x13 Metal_Soil
0x14 Cloud
0x15 Marble_Beach
0x16 Marble_Sand

Floor Code

The field "Floor_code" specifies the interaction when surface is treated as ground.

ID Name Description
0x00 Normal Normal surface.
0x01 Death
0x02 Slip
0x03 NoSlip
0x04 DamageNormal
0x05 Ice
0x06 JumpLow
0x07 JumpMiddle
0x08 JumpHigh
0x09 Slider
0x0A DamageFire
0x0B JumpNormal
0x0C FireDance
0x0D Sand
0x0E Glass
0x0F DamageElectric
0x10 PullBack
0x11 Sink
0x12 SinkPoison
0x13 Slide
0x14 WaterBottomH
0x15 WaterBottomM
0x16 WaterBottomL
0x17 Wet
0x18 Needle
0x19 SinkDeath
0x1A Snow
0x1B RailMove
0x1C AreaMove
0x1D Press
0x1E NoStampSand
0x1F SinkDeathMud
0x20 Brake Mud which slows down Mario as well as preventing him from Jumping normal. Yoshi is recommended to travel on this surface.
0x21 GlassIce
0x22 JumpParasol
0x23 Oil
0x24 NoDig
0x25 Lawn
0x26 Cloud
0x27 PressAndNoSlip
0x28 ForceDash
0x29 DarkMatter
0x2A Dust
0x2B SnowAndNoSlip

Wall Code

The field "Wall_code" specifies the interaction when surface is treated as a wall.

ID Name Description
0x00 Normal Normal wall.
0x01 NotWallJump
0x02 NotWallSlip
0x03 NotGrab
0x04 GhostThroughCode
0x05 NotSideStep
0x06 Rebound
0x07 Fur
0x08 NoAction

Camera Through

The field "Camera_through" presumably specifies if the camera can go through the surface.

ID Name Description
0x00 NoThrough
0x01 Through