HAR (File Format)

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HAR (Hagi ARchive) is part of an archive format found in emulated GameCube and Wii games on some Wii U Virtual Console and Nintendo Switch titles such as Super Mario 3D All-Stars. It works along with HIX files.

File Format

The file byte order is always little endian.


The file starts with the following header:

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always HARC in ASCII.
0x04 Int32 Number of file entries.
0x08 Byte[4] Unknown.

File Entry

Each file entry is found in the corresponding HIX file. File data is stored directly after the header in the HAR file.

File Data

After all nodes comes all the file data, with the file names 0x24 bytes before the data itself. There is a 2 0-byte padding before the name with unknown reason, and a UInt16 before the file data.


The following tools can handle HAR files:

  • harhix, a tool made by Atlas that allows extracting the contents from HAR/HIX files.