BRCTR (File Format)

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The BRCTR (Binary Revolution ConTRol) filetype applies specific settings for BRLYT files and makes possible the use of BRLAN animation files in Mario Kart Wii's User Interface elements, such as buttons, backgrounds and layouts.

File Format

The file byte order is always big endian.

File Header

The file starts with a header that is 0x14 bytes long.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always bctr in ASCII.
0x04 UInt16 Probably number of Sub-Headers. Always 00 02.
0x06 UInt16 Main BRLYT name offset, relative to the start of the string table.
0x08 UInt16 Namespace name offset, relative to the start of the string table. Usually Common, Menu, Number or Race.
0x0A UInt16 Resource BRLYT name offset, relative to the start of the string table.
0x0C UInt16 Sub-Header 1 offset, relative to the start of the file.
0x0E UInt16 Sub-Header 2 offset, relative to the start of the file.
0x10 UInt16 String table offset, relative to the start of the file.
0x12 UInt16 Unknown.

Sub-Header 1

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Section 1 offset, relative to the start of this header.
0x02 UInt16 Number of section 1 entries.
0x04 UInt16 Section 2 offset, relative to the start of this header.
0x06 UInt16 Number of section 2 entries.

Section 1

Section 1 configure a BRLYT group with animations.

Offset Type Description
0x02 UInt16 Function name offset, relative to the start of the string table.
0x00 UInt16 BRLYT group name offset, relative to the start of the string table. Unknown if this only can be a group.
0x04 UInt16 Section 2 ID.
0x06 UInt16 Number of section 2 entries linked by this entry.

Section 2

Section 2 stores data about BRLAN animations.

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Function name offsets, relative to the start of the string table.
0x02 UInt16 BRLAN file name offset, relative to the start of the string table. Links to the filename of a BRLAN.
0x04 UInt16 Next function name offset, relative to the start of the string table. If not empty, it links to the next function.
0x06 UInt16 BRLYT name offset, relative to the start of the string table. Unknown usage.
0x08 Float BRLAN animation speed multiplier.

Sub-Header 2

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Section 3 offset, relative to the start of this header.
0x02 UInt16 Number of section 3 entries.
0x04 UInt16 Section 4 offset, relative to the start of this header.
0x06 UInt16 Number of section 4 entries.
0x08 UInt16 Section 5 offset, relative to the start of this header.
0x0A UInt16 Number of section 5 entries.

Section 3

This is the section that is most known. It contains float data specifying where to set the final position of a BRLYT pane, in 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Object name offset, relative to the start of the string table.
0x02 UInt16 Alpha channel (0xFF = opaque, 0x00 = transparent).
0x04 UInt16 0 = don't use animation, 1 = use animation.
0x06 UInt16 Padding?
0x08 Float Delay time for the animation. When going back, the delay works inverse.
0x0C Float Translation X (4:3).
0x10 Float Translation Y (4:3).
0x14 Float Translation Z (4:3).
0x18 Float Scale X (4:3).
0x1C Float Scale Y (4:3).
0x20 Float Translation X (16:9).
0x24 Float Translation Y (16:9).
0x28 Float Translation Z (16:9).
0x2C Float Scale X (16:9).
0x30 Float Scale Y (16:9).
0x34 UInt16 Section 4 ID.
0x36 UInt16 Number of section 4 entries linked by this entry.
0x38 UInt16 Ssection 5 ID.
0x3A UInt16 Number of section 5 entries linked by this entry.

Section 4

This section refers to a message ID found in BMG files.

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 BRLYT text pane name offset, relative to the start of the string table. Links to the BRLYT text pane to use with the message. If empty, all text panes are used.
0x02 UInt16 Unknown name offset, relative to the start of the string table.
0x04 UInt32 BMG Message ID.

Section 5

This section consists of two unknown names.

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Unknown name offset, relative to the start of the string table.
0x02 UInt16 Unknown name offset, relative to the start of the string table.

String Table

At the end of the file, there is a section with null-terminated strings. All string offsets are relative to the start of the string table, which is linked in the header. The first byte is always 00, because empty strings has offset 0. The string table contains references to BRLYT file names, BRLYT pane names, functions/objects found in StaticR.rel and BRLAN files, which probably establishes a link between them to load correctly in the game.


The following tools can handle BRCTR files: