BBLM (File Format)

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BBLM (Binary BLooM) is a file format used to specify bloom in Mario Kart Wii

File Format

A BBLM file has the following structure:

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always BBLM in ASCII.
0x04 UInt32 File size in bytes.
0x08 UInt32 File version.
0x0C UInt32 Unknown.
0x10 Float Threshold amount.
0x14 Byte[4] Threshold color in RGBA format.
0x18 Byte[4] Composite color in RGBA format.
0x1C UInt16 Blur flags.
0x1E UInt16 Unknown.
0x20 Float Blur 0 radius.
0x24 Float Blur 1 intensity.
0x28 UInt32 Unknown.
0x2C UInt32 Unknown.
0x30 UInt32 Unknown.
0x34 UInt32 Unknown.
0x38 UInt32 Unknown.
0x3C UInt32 Unknown.
0x40 Float Blur 1 radius.
0x44 Float Blur 1 intensity.
0x48 UInt32 Unknown.
0x4C UInt32 Unknown.
0x50 UInt32 Unknown.
0x54 UInt32 Unknown.
0x58 UInt32 Unknown.
0x5C UInt32 Unknown.
0x60 Float Unknown.
0x64 Float Unknown.
0x68 UInt32 Unknown.
0x6C UInt32 Unknown.
0x70 UInt32 Unknown.
0x74 UInt32 Unknown.
0x78 UInt32 Unknown.
0x7C UInt32 Unknown.
0x80 Byte Composite blend mode.
0x81 Byte Number of blur 1 passes.
0x82 UInt16 Unknown.
0x84 UInt32 Unknown.
0x88 UInt32 Unknown.
0x8C UInt32 Unknown.
0x90 UInt32 Unknown.
0x94 UInt32 Unknown.
0x98 UInt32 Unknown.
0x9C Float Bokeh color scale 0.
0xA0 Float Bokeh color scale 1.


The following tools can handle BBLM files:

  • (none)