PTCL (File Format)/Wii U

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PTCL (ParTiCLe) is a file format used on Wii U. It contains visual effects, made from emitters, models and textures. It also may contain shader data.


The file starts with a header which has the following structure:

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always EFTF in ASCII.
0x04 UInt32 Version number.
0x08 Int32 Number of emitter sets.
0x0C Int32 File name offset.
0x10 Int32 String table offset.
0x14 Int32 Texture table offset.
0x18 Int32 Size of textures in bytes.
0x1C Int32 Shader table offset.
0x20 Int32 Size of shaders in bytes.
0x24 Int32 Animation key table offset.
0x28 Int32 Size of animation keys in bytes.
0x2C Int32 Primitive table offset.
0x30 Int32 Size of primitives in bytes.
0x34 Int32 Shader parameter table offset.
0x38 Int32 Size of shader parameteres in bytes.
0x3C Int32 Total texture size in bytes.
0x40 Int32 Total shader size in bytes.
0x44 Int32 Total emitter size in bytes.

Version List

Version Found in