XECLN (File Format)

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XECLN (XEen Curve LiNe) is a filetype from Mario Kart Arcade GP DX and the successor of Mario Kart Arcade GP and Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Line and Auto files. They contain path data used for enemy and item routes.

File Format

The file byte order is always little endian.

File Header

The file starts with a header that is 0x10 bytes long.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always LINE in ASCII.
0x04 Int32 Unknown. Always 1. Maybe version?
0x08 Int32 Number of route groups.
0x0C Int32 Total number of route points.
0x10 End of header, start of Point Data

Point Data

Each route point has its own 0x28 byte long entry.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Float[3] Point position.
0x0C Float Unknown.
0x10 Float Unknown.
0x14 Float Unknown.
0x18 Float Unknown.
0x1C Float Unknown.
0x20 Float Unknown.
0x24 Int16 Unknown. Probably a flag.
0x26 Int16 Route group index.


The following tools can handle XECLN files:

  • (none)