ME01 (File Format)

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ME01 is an archive format used by the Nintendo Switch operating system.

File Format


Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic Always ME01 in ASCII.
0x04 UInt32 Number of files.
0x08 UInt32 Start of file data. Points to the first file data, all file data offets are relative to this value.

File Offsets

After the header follows offsets pointing to the file data. Each offset is a 32-bit integer. All files are aligned using the '0' byte.

File Sizes

After the file offsets follow file sizes, which determines the size in bytes of each file.

File Names

After the file sizes come the file names. Each string block is always 0x80 bytes, starting with a null-terminated string. The rest of the bytes are padding using the '0' byte.


The following tools can handle ME01 files:

  • (none)