DKRDS Message (File Format)

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DKRDS Message is the nameless file format used in Diddy Kong Racing DS that stores in-game text.

File Format

The file byte order is always little endian.


The file starts with a header that is 4 bytes long.

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Number of messages (N).
0x02 Byte[2] Padding.
0x08 End of header, start of Message ID List

Message ID List

This is a list of all the message IDs contained in the file. These IDs seem to share the same pool as the IDs from assets.bin, as none of the IDs between both file types repeat in the other files.

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16[N] Asset IDs.
0x00 + 2 * N Byte[2] Padding.
0x02 + 2 * N End of this section, start of Message Offset List

Message Offset List

Followed by the Message ID List, there's a list of offsets for each of the messages. All offsets are absolute.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Int32 Offset to message data.

Message Data

Each message is encoded in UTF-16LE. All messages are null-terminated by 0x0000.


The following tools can handle DKRDS Message:

  • (none)