BDOF (File Format)

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BDOF (Binary Depth Of Field) is a post-effect file in Mario Kart Wii that controls effects like focus, sharpness and blur in tracks. It is always seen in the "./posteffect" folder inside an U8 file.

There is unused code that allows the usage of a secondary BDOF file, named posteffect.bdof_demo. This one has the same format as a normal BDOF file, and it seems to be used only in the course introduction if present.

File Format

The file byte order is always big endian.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always PDOF in ASCII.
0x04 UInt32 File size. Always 0x50.
0x08 UInt32 Unknown.
0x0C UInt32 Unknown.
0x10 Byte Unknown.
0x11 Byte Unknown.
0x12 Byte Near blur power.
0x13 Byte Far blur power.
0x14 Byte Unknown.
0x15 Byte Unknown.
0x16 Byte Unknown.
0x17 Byte Unknown.
0x18 Float DOF start.
0x1C Float DOF end.
0x20 Float Blur scale? Low value means in focus and high means blurry.
0x24 Float Unknown.
0x28 Float? Unknown.
0x2C Float? Unknown.
0x30 Float Unknown.
0x34 Float Unknown.
0x38 Float Unknown.
0x3C Float Unknown.
0x40 Byte[16] Padding?


The following tools can handle BDOF files:

  • (none)