BAACL (File Format)

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BAACL (Binary Audio Attenuation CuLling) is a file format used in Nintendo Switch games. It controls audio attenuation by distance.

File Format

The BAACL file format is a very simple format and consists of the following structure:

Offset Type Description
0x00 Char[4] File magic. Always AACL in ASCII.
0x04 UInt16 Byte-order-mark. FE FF for big endian, FF FE for little endian.
0x06 UInt16 Version number.
0x08 Float Culling fade start distance.
0x0C Float Culling fade distance.
0x10 Int32 Unknown. Probably a parameter or flag.

Version List

Version Found in


The following tools can handle BAACL files:

  • (none)